The mission of the Office for
Science and Technology (OST) of the Embassy of France in the United States is
happy to announce the opening of the call of candidates for the program FADEx
on Monday, October 13, 2014.
The program FADEx
consists in a 2-days seminar between PhD students enrolled in a US university
and PhD students enrolled in a French university. The seminar whose focus is on
“advanced architecture for solar cells” will take place at Le
Bourget-du-Lac, France, in partnership with the National Institute for Solar
Energy (Institut
National de
or INES) in March 2015. This meeting will provide the opportunity for US and
French PhD students to share scientific results in a very informal setting.
Besides, four (4) lectures of well-known French researchers in the field will
be also proposed to the PhD students. Additionally, the seminar will be
followed by the visit of state-of-the-art French research centers – the INES,
innovation campus, the Photovoltaic Institute of Paris Region (Institut
or IPVF)
– as well as a visit of the European Synchrotron Research Facility (ESRF).
Furthermore, thanks to the
generous support of the OST, eight (8) scholarships to attend this meeting will
be awarded to 8 top US PhD students. The scholarships covers the round trip to
France, the trips within France, the accommodation and most of the meals.
More details regarding this call
for candidates as well as the application form can be found on the OST
A flyer
is available at the end of the message.
Please feel free to forward this
information to anyone, researcher and students, you believe might be interested
by this event.
Best regards,
Christian Turquat
Christian TURQUAT
Scientific Attaché
Physical sciences and
General Consulate of
777 Post Oak Blvd, Suite 600
– Houston, TX 77056 – USA
Phone: +1 (713) 985-3262
+1 (713) 985-3262
– Fax: +1 (713) 572-2914

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